• The Hundred Years’ War

SYNOPSIS: “We burned our bras in public. We aren’t going to grow old quietly.”  So said the sixty-something woman who inspired this play. Gladys doesn’t like her grand-daughter’s choice of fiance, and she is going to make her views heard, no matter what it takes.

Rebecca Darke in New York Production

Gladys: (F,60’s)
Penny: (F,20s)
Harvey: (M,60s)

The backyard of Penny’s house. A tree.

The Drilling Company Security Season

10 mins

PENNY:    Grandma, get down.
GLADYS:  Can’t make me.
PENNY:    Will you at least apologize before he-
Loud door slam.
PENNY:    -storms out.
GLADYS:  Victory is mine.
PENNY:    Grandma, you’re up a tree. Again.
GLADYS:  No, I’m not.
PENNY:    That seems pretty childish to me.
GLADYS:   Storming out and slamming doors is childish.
                     This is civil disobedience.

Rebecca Darke & Bob Green in the New York City production.

©2021 Sheri Graubert