SYNOPSIS: Edna is proud of her country, her politics and her daughter Danny’s success in choosing her career as a doctor. However, Danny has some news which is about to shake Edna’s beliefs to the core.


Edna: (F, 40s)
Danny:(F, 17)

Edna’s kitchen

Wild Card, Short + Sweet, Sydney
Semi-finalist, Short+Sweet, Singapore
Winner,  Theatre Oxford
Spring Writes, HB Studio Theatre
Winner, Northern Writes, Penobscott Theatre  
Brief Acts Festival, NY, Lovecreek Productions
Winner, 6-Women Playwriting Festival
Published:  Best American Ten-Minute plays, 2010, Smith & Kraus

“After the intermission, Parental Consent, which was directed by Susan Dawn Carson, hits it fast. Playwright Sheri Graubert starts with an unexpected dramatic moment: A mother’s conflict between patriotism and real life consequences when her 17-year-old daughter (played with proper teen smugness by Sara Barad) asks mom for permission to join the Marines. As the mother, JaNae Stansbery delivered this impossible decision expertly.” The Gazette, Colorado Springs -Six Women Playwright’s Festival.

 DANIELLA: Hey, Ma, can you sign this?5in10_2009 copy
 EDNA:          Sure, ach, fingers. I thought we’d done all the paperwork.
 DANIELLA: It’s kinda like permission.
 EDNA:          You don’t need my permission. You can do whatever you want.
 DANIELLA: I’m not eighteen yet.
 EDNA:          Ten months.
 DANIELLA: So, if you sign, we’re covered.
 EDNA:           Is this, like, for a society or something? An extra class?
 DANIELLA:  I signed up.
 EDNA:           For extra credit? That’s my girl.
 DANIELLA:  For the marines. But you have to sign the form.
 EDNA:           The cheese.
 EDNA:           She crushed the cheese. Look at that.

Sheri Graubert Playwright Short + Sweet
©2021 Sheri Graubert